How to Write a Thesis

How to write a thesis is a question that daunts most of the writers. However, following certain prescribed formats can make their job quite easy. This article highlights the points that can help in writing a great thesis.

After the research is complete, the complicated part of composing the thesis begins. Most students are provided a guide on how to write thesis or research paper, and it is imperative that it is studied and followed carefully. Almost all the formats are similar except some minor changes depending on the institution.

• Title Page

This contains the thesis title usually in the page's center and in upper-case. It also includes writer’s name and qualifications, institution’s name, degree program and the submission year.

• Abstract

The abstract follows the title page and is normally short. It contains a brief introduction, short statement of problem and summary of the method used, findings and conclusion.

• Acknowledgements

It acknowledges the contributions made by supervisors, professors, advisors and others like fund providers, colleagues, family and friends in compiling the thesis.

• Table of Contents

This contains a list of tables and figures. It includes all the key sections and subdivisions. The link between major sections and subsections is appropriately shown by using capital and indentations. Always check if the page numbers on the table of contents and the main body are listed correctly.

• Review

This contains the review of materials used in writing thesis. It should only showcase the materials, which can appropriately highlight the study conducted. Proper inclusion of references is vital.

• Statement

This part includes the statement of the problem and then the objects of the study followed by the hypothesis.

• Methodology

This section includes details of all the materials used and methods employed so that the readers could replicate if they want to. That is why, it is important to list the use of all the materials and equipment used in full detail. It helps readers to understand clearly the aims of the study and to decide whether the methods followed were proper or not. There are several subheadings used under this section like subjects, designs, materials, equipment, processes, etc.

• Statistical Analysis

This contains data for statistical tests conducted during the study.

• Results

Presenting results in clear and to the point manner is imperative. Each subsection should begin with a brief summary. Use of simple, easy to interpret tables and figures is highly recommended.

• Discussion

This section discusses vital information like findings, writer’s interpretation and reasons of findings, comparison with previous studies and problems encountered with regards to the methodology.

• Conclusions

Conclusion contains a summary of the findings in a concise manner. Avoid repeating things listed earlier and focus mainly on the most important facts of the study.

• Appendices

The data not listed in the main body, but worth mentioning goes into this section.

• References

This contains the list of sources used for conducting the study. Use the same reference system through the text of the thesis and while detailing them in this section.

Composing thesis is an intimidating task, and many people find it difficult to come up the information needed to complete the work. It is advised to seek the help of an expert available at online in order to write a great thesis.

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