Writing a Research Essay

Writing a research essay is quite a challenging job. However, splitting it into small sections makes it easy to manage. The main aim of this type of essay is to allow readers to read the work in selective pieces.

The first step in organizing a good research paper is to find the sources. Start with reading the summary of a paper to decide if it is relevant to your topic. Study the format, materials and methods used as well as the results achieved. Once enough information is gathered, one can begin the process of composing a research essay.
While different journals or institutions provide their own format and style, there are some common requirements that writers can follow.

• Title Page

Use an informative title as per the examples listed in the guidelines of the institution. Apart from the title, this page generally includes author’s name and address, institution’s name and date of submission.

• Abstract

It is a short paragraph summary of the research that provides concise information to the readers about the rationale for conducting the study, problem approached and most important conclusions or issues arising from the experiment.

• Introduction

The double spaced, typed introduction should not go beyond two pages. It includes importance, models and objectives of the study and a brief description of the design and how it achieved the listed aims.

• Material and Methods

Although there is no page limit prescribed for this section, it is recommended by the professional research paper advisors available online to write a concise copy. The main aim of this section is to list all the methods and broad procedures to help the readers to include some or all of them in their own study or evaluate the objectives of your work. Most readers want to go through the report selectively. Therefore, it is better to put the materials and methods into subsections.

• Results

The main objective of this section is to provide and demonstrate the findings of the study. Its length depends on the types and amount of data that needs to be listed. Use of tables and figures is recommended for illustrating the findings effectively.

• Discussions

While writing a research essay, it is advised by experts to restrict this section to just three or four pages. The main aim of discussion section is to showcase the interpretation of the findings achieved from the study and support the conclusions reached using the experiments conducted as evidence. The importance of the results must be clearly stated.

• Referencing

Proper citation of all the sources used when writing a research essay is very important. List each of the literature cited in alphabetical order starting with the author in the first place. Writers should only use the original work for referencing purpose.

After writing a research essay, read it carefully and make sure that it makes sense and is logically organized. To avoid typographical mistakes, proofread it at least twice.

Composing a good research paper is not just like scribbling few words here and there. It takes a lot of time, patience, research and great writing skills. Struggling writers are advised to seek the services of the experts.

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