List of Argumentative Essay Topics

Essay assignments are important aspects of every student’s academic life. Students are required to compose many types of essays such as argumentative, descriptive, technical and narrative. Different forms of essays require a distinct approach. It is observed that most people struggle in creating the list of argumentative essay topics to write on. This type of essays requires writers to portray their own perception about a specific topic in front of the readers. While the writers are free to express their opinions, it is imperative that they back them up with appropriate facts and supporting evidence.

These essays illustrate the view points of a writer and his ability to transcribe his thoughts and feelings on the piece of the paper. So, it is vital to select a topic where the thoughts of the writer can be expressed clearly. Students should write about the topic where they think that the argument is worthwhile and can easily defend their conclusions. However, most writers find it quite difficult when it comes to choosing argumentative essay topics.

Following is the list of argumentative essay topics from which students can select the ones that interest them most.

• Do we need governments to monitor the use of Internet?
• Should abortions be banned?
• Should the death penalty be abolished?
• Weight Loss Diets. Do they really work?
• Weight loss Diets. Do they really work?
• Should the extreme military action be taken against countries harboring and sponsoring terrorism?
• Is corruption getting more rampant?
• Should the use of animals for conducting scientific research be allowed?
• Do we need to monitor our children activities using gadgets?
• Should companies use children for marketing their products?
• Should the outsourcing be stopped?
• Do we need to overhaul the taxation system?
• Are cell phones killing us?
• Does sex education at young age helps in preventing AIDS?
• Is fashion good?
• Should the gay marriages be legalized?
• Do speed limits really help?
• Should military service be made compulsory?
• Should the teens be allowed to party all night long?
• Is the society changing for worse?
• Are the public funds being misused?
• Roads are much safer today. Do you agree or disagree?
• Should more taxes be imposed on the rich?
• Are celebrities misusing their fame?
• Imposing a ban on smoking cigarettes in public places is good or bad?

Writers can choose the subjects they like from the list of argumentative essay topics mentioned above, or they can approach the professionals for new and interesting ideas.

After choosing the topic, writers need to perform research to collect the relevant information to support their argument. This part is very important, as writing a good essay involves reporting all the details and facts to make the argument unfailing and rational.

Once the research is complete, it is time to write the actual essay. The format for writing argumentative essays is more or less similar to the other types. Following is the general structure of the essay:

• Statement
• Introduction
• Main Body
• Conclusion

Writing an argumentative essay is not that difficult. However, one should keep in mind that merely having strong opinions on a topic is not enough to write an essay. A writer should be able to provide a clear and rational viewpoint on the chosen topic. Online academic writers offer lots of quality information on argumentative essay topics as well as guidance for writing essays logically to the writers that will help them in completing the task successfully.

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